‘Write On!’ Competition is an international creative writing competition supported by Peace Corps Volunteers that aims to encourage creativity and imagination in students’ writing. Armenia has participated since 2006.
This year ‘Write On 2017’ had a total of 541 compositions from 25 different competitions throughout Armenia!
In preparation for the competition, six of our participating students took part in creative writing workshops held in Dilijan Central School by English teacher Nork Zakarian. These students learned about brainstorming, creative thinking, writing techniques, and story planning. During the competition, writers had one hour to write responses to one of two prompts. All writing is in English, and spelling and grammar is not considered in the evaluation process. Winning pieces are chosen for their cohesiveness and creativity.
Thus, we are thrilled to announce that as first-year participants of this competition, Dilijan Central School has three FIRST PLACE winners in each grade level in the whole of Armenia. These first place winners are: Ayah Rashidi from grade 6, Hayk Khachikyan from grade 8, and Lilit Mehrabyan from grade 9.
The first place entries from each level will advance to the International Competition in Tbilisi, Georgia. The results of the International Competition will be available in early April. Let’s wish our students the best of luck!
All of the National Winners compositions will be typed and uploaded soon to the following website: writeonarmenia.weebly.com.
Winners of ‘Write On! 2017‘ creative writing competition