History and mission


Dilijan Central School is a school of the “Ayb” system. Dilijan Central School was established in 2013 by “Ayb” educational foundation in collaboration with the Central Bank of RA. The content of programs implemented in Dilijan Central School is developed and controlled by “Ayb” educational foundation.

The mission 

Our mission is to create a school of knowledge and creativity based on national and universal values to educate culture-creating generations who would relate to virtue, truth, and beauty and who would take responsibility for building a powerful and spiritual state with their united ideas and work.

Our Conviction
  • We are convinced that every child is gifted; therefore, one of the goals of education is to identify those gifts through spiritual-mental “excavation.” We have been trying to create the proper environment, prerequisites, and conditions to realize that mission. As a result of the spiritual-mental “excavation,” giftedness is unveiled through child’s self-reflection and self-creation. One of the primary objectives of education is, thus, discovering and then inventing; this leads self-awareness, patriotism, and world knowledge. In this way, knowledge transforms into thinking, worldview, and lifestyle.
  • We are convinced that education is the “fusion” of science and art, originating not from mechanical imperatives and “inert” ideas, but from the organic tissue of imagination, freedom, and love.
  • We are convinced that to prevent the present-day and future de-humanization, the content of education should be grounded in spiritual and cultural values, contributing to the formation of a complex and complete person, and continuously focusing on the development of thought, emotion, feeling, intuition, and their integrity. Teaching students greatest universal ideas of humanity has always been, and continues to be, the cornerstone of all education.
  • We are convinced that the national and universal heritage forms the basis of mental and spiritual excavation. Acknowledging this heritage instills in children a sense of inheritance and, consequently, a sense of responsibility for that legacy, the preservation of which is contingent only upon its development and recreation. Not only my heritage, but also our heritage; not only national, but universal heritage as well. The responsibility for this heritage awakens awareness and a sense of unity. To be the heir of the part of humanity which braved for the good, the beauty, and the truth. The history of education is, at the same time, a story of heroism. Being a teacher, scientist, writer, artist, musician has always required courage, and it takes a great deal of it to both learn and teach.
  • We are convinced that amongst the most important missions of education is fostering in students the desire to find meaning and to rethink it. We urge them to think, contemplate, introspect, and, most importantly, to dream. Moreover, to prevent the man’s inner world from losing meaning, we believe that it has to be saturated with creative energy, which would undoubtedly radiate in the future. And finally, we believe that through cognition, the rupture of man’s inner and outer worlds would be reconciliated, enabling to taste the happiness of harmonious living. The critical-analytical attitude towards life should, therefore, be “justified” with the idea of this future reconciliation.

The values of Dilijan Central School are anchored in universal and Christian value systems, which are inseparable from national values and are the cultural and spiritual basis of the latter. The school’s educational and educative activities are aimed at forming the eight virtues, which are the basis of the profile of DCS students. The eight principles characterizing the students of Dilijan Central School are divided into pairs. The first pair, cognizant and creator, is a universal principle. It virtually coincides with the motto of our school “Know and Do” and, as a main principle, extends to the following three pairs. The student of Dilijan Central School should not just strive to know, but strive for good and auspicious cognition or benevolence. Contemplating and discovering the good is the vector of effective cognition. Kindness of thoughts should be reflected in our actions as well – the student of “Ayb” should be caring. Caring are those who have love in them, try to do good for people, are responsible, and do not ignore the facts. Benevolence and care are the moral complements to our main principle and they emphasize what kind of cognition and actions we are talking about. Not only the human mind should be educated and equipped with virtues, but the will should act correctly as well. We want our students to be initiative.

Initiative means courageous, brave, purposeful, risk taker. But there should be a balance in every endeavor, maintaining inner peace and harmony. To take the initiative does not mean to rush forward recklessly, but to think and contemplate responsibly, to gather people around your idea and make them participate in it, to serve and lead people. The last pair of the eight virtues in Dilijan Central School is vigilant and open. The choice of these words is also not random: the word ‘vigilant’ has a deep meaning both in Modern Armenian and in Grabar (Classical Armenian). Vigilant is gentle, sensitive in its good sense, the one who feels people, feels himself/herself, who has an inner focus. A vigilant person is an organized person. Today, human life is too scattered in memories, feelings, emotions, and the major task of modern education is to teach a person to be organized, attentive, and focused. Vigilant is also the opposite of callous, when a person is out of touch with reality and accepted moral principles. And finally, in order not to be led to internal bonds and restraints by the state of being organized, they should be open. This is also one of the main objectives of education: to teach a person to be free and open, to get rid of internal bonds, to be in touch with reality.