Anania Shirakatsi

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On May 3, at the event honouring the renowned genius teacher Anania Shirakatsi, the students tried to raise the height of the great scientist’s mental flight. The event gained a…

Art week

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During the art week, the 7-9th grade students presented their projects. The school had turned into an art platform: in the middle school hall, the students of the “Trichq” (Flight)…

“Last Bell” of the 11th generation

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On May 25, the hall of Dilijan Central School warmed up with the “Last Bell” of the 11th generation of graduates. Many moments are impressive to this day: the teenagers’ dance…

“Tsil” theatre festival

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On April 25 and 26, the annual “Tsil” theatre festival took place, thanks to the initiative of Dilijan Central School. The event featured theatrical performances of well-known and popular works…

Astronaut Day

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The event dedicated to Astronaut Day caused a pleasant mess and commotion at Dilijan Central School. Everything seemed to be cosmic; in the weightless embrace of infinite space, everything seemed…

The 10th-generation graduates of DCS

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The 10th-generation graduates of DCShey say that the stars have supernatural power; therefore, when they see a falling star, people make a wish and believe that the stars will help…

Presentation of projects

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Unprecedented abundance of projects and rich presentation of unique and new ideas at Dilijan Central School: this is how we can describe the project week in the 2022–2023 school year…

Exhibition of art projects

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Today, the opening ceremony of the exhibition of art projects of DCS was held. During the day, we witnessed the exhibition of various projects from different subjects. First, we watched…

“Tsil” theater festival

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``Tsil`` theater festival On February 23 and 24, at the initiative of Dilijan Central School, the annual “Tsil” theater festival was held, in which theater groups from Tavush and Lori…

All-school intellectual competition

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On November 18, at the initiative of Hovhannes Harutyunyan, the history teacher at Dilijan Central School, an all-school intellectual competition was held, in which 5 schools of the Dilijan enlarged…


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Ученики 3-го и 4-го классов
Учителя: Мери Галаян и Гаяне Гамбарян